Not to be outdone by the old dog in the vermin reduction stakes Kitty-Pop has been running a parallel operation from her base amongst the tack shed hay-bales.
Yesterday she was spotted on the driveway with her mark. If you’re sensitive to the sight of kitty kill I suggest you squint your eyes up a bit and you probably won’t even notice The Body. For the less tenderhearted amongst you, consider this a rodent version of Spot the Ball.
I’m impressed she caught it. Some of the ponies’ mineral supplement had been left out on the bench, and given the state of the bag this morning I would say that was one supercharged mouse. Fortunately Kitty-Pop managed to squeeze in a bit of a kip later in the day.

Kitty-Pop mimes the actions to Sheldon’s song
Or did she? Don’t be fooled by the appearance of total relaxation. I’m pretty sure she’s just practicing her tactical breathing.
your “Spot the Vermin” caption may be a trigger for both cat-haters and -lovers.
i suggest, “Kitty-Pop, aged two, relaxes with her latest play friend after a vigorous round of pea-knuckle.”
Thank you for that suggestion. Kitty-Pop would like it recorded that SHE WON.