The Young Adventurer Returns

The Young Adventurer and DIY Guy were on the farmlet over the weekend.

DIY Guy and the Forbearing Husband took turns wielding the the chainsaw out in the Seven Acre Wood. They were dropping trees, and chopping firewood for next winter. Meanwhile the Young Adventurer and I had our own project.

As you will see, all that knot tying practice we had at the tavern wasn’t for naught.


1. Safety gear.


2. Someone had to climb that ladder. It was me.


3. Not as worrying as you might think.


4. Guessed yet?


5. We used two running bowlines, two scaffold hitches and two regular bowlines.

6. Safety testing was undertaken, using a locally available crash test dummy. Yup, me again. No photos, but here is the sick-making video proof.


7. After all the excitement I was ready for a sit down and a cuppa, but somebody wanted to be pushed.


How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!

Up in the air, and over the wall,
Till I can see so wide,
Rivers and trees and cattle and all,
Over the countryside —

Till I look down on the garden green,
Down on the roof so brown —
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down!

by Robert Louis Stevenson



  1. I happened to mention to Chicken Boy the possibility of chicks … he is desperate to see them when they hatch and I’m sure Game Man will be up for another visit too. See you soonish! PS The Missing Half Sock was found in Game Man’s room under some washing … go figure?!

    • Chicks have hatched! One yesterday and two today. Super cute. Run, Chicken Boy, run! I’m in Auckland on Sat, but will be here on Sunday. On another note. Glad you found MIssing Half Sock, too much hard work on tiny needles to have lost it permanently. But wait, does this mean Game Man is contemplating taking up knitting?

  2. Swings and Chicks

    We have now acquired a Gpig…
    Go ask your Daddy
    Go ask your Mother
    …but I thought you said she could
    …I thought you did
    Another rescue from an uncertain future
    Had to give him a haircut, seriously long dreads,couldn’t even get through the grass!!
    No at least looks vaguely normal 🐹

    • Haha, how good are kids at manipulating parents? So lovely that guinea found a home with you though, and you’ve cleaned up his hippy hair. Guinea pigs are so sweet, and I think they get on well with bunnies, so hopefully all your rescue babies are playing nicely.

    • Indeed Daisy May grew up with them and even speaks the lingo which has been very confusing for Robbie 😜 But she is quite excited by the newcomer.
      Twinkle the deaf,special cat has had to be persuaded not to stalk him though!

  3. What a lovely spot for a swing! Your post reminds me of a fabulous picture book we used to enjoy borrowing from the library “Higher! Higher!” by Leslie Patricelli.

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