
One of these farmlet residents fell into the stream and couldn’t get out, the other one had to jump in and assist.

NIna post rescue

The Forbearing Husband maintains a sanguine countenance in the face of adversity

No prizes for guessing which one is which. Let’s just say that the person who executed the rescue ended up soaked to the waist and sloshing around inย gumbootsย full of water, while the duffer who fell in remains confident thatย nothing bad will ever happen to her.

Ok, pop quiz… Who amongst The Readership recognises this quote: “BETTER DROWNED THAN DUFFERS IF NOT DUFFERS WONT DROWN”*? Let me know in the comments. Does knowing this quote mark me out as an old fogey? Let me know in the comments!

* Caps lock and lack of punctuation original to the quote.



  1. referring to your FH as a duffer may not be taken in the spirit you intended.

    and that quote is OBVIOUSLY from “The Simpsons”.

  2. Oh surely Swallows and Amazons is never out of date. You are a heroine to the cause!! Hip hip hurrah!

  3. Swallows and Amazons. Telegram to John, Titty, Susan and Roger’s mother. And if reading books with a character called Titty doesn’t identify us as old fogeys…. That said, I feel sorry for anyone who hasn’t read these books.

    Nina looks very happy to have been rescued. It was bound to happen eventually – so happy it wasn’t when she was with me. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Top marks to Deborah for identifying both the quote and the context. I agree, if you haven’t read the series you have missed a gem of children’s literature.

  4. Oh, I was feeling all youthful at having no idea about the quote – but now feel a bit FOMO that I haven’t read the books.

        • And Deborah has lovely hardback editions which were withdrawn books from GI library back in the day.

  5. I should have congratulated your hero FH on his heroic act. Hope all the girls in your household are duly grateful and find the chocolate for him. But let’s not test his endurance any more.

  6. Just saw this,life with pups!!!
    Read the book to Honor and Liberty last Summer hols,and recently got the movie on a double DVD with another fav ( the railway children) on sale at the big red shed
    I,m def an old fogey! ๐Ÿ˜œXxx

    • The Railway Children. Another children’s lit classic! Speaking of which, did you notice they have been reading ‘The Changeover’ on National Radio.

  7. No I didn’t!!
    Haven’t had much time to listen
    Ping pong bugs in our family and a sick bunny ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿฐ
    School hols in another week and so sleep ๐Ÿ˜ด ๐Ÿ˜Š
    I love the railway children,we watch it every Christmas time ๐Ÿ˜˜

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