Calf Club

Speaking of my friend Amy-next-door, and of spring lambs, here is Amy with her ‘Calf Club’ lamb ‘Zebie’.

Cute Lamb

Zebie is a girl lamb, so named because she is black and white.

Calf Club, also known as Ag Day, is an annual spring event at rural NZ schools. Each student adopts a new-born calf, lamb, or goat and takes on the responsibility of raising and training it. On calf club day the animals go to school and kids show how well their ‘calf’ can be led with a halter and rope, come when it is called, and maybe even do a trick or two.

Sounds like fun, and judging by the amount of time Amy is putting into the project (she was up at 5 this morning she tells me) I bet Team Amy–Zebie will do great.

Okay, I confess, I really had absolutely nothing interesting to say here. This whole post is just a thin excuse for showing you a cute lamb picture. Still who wouldn’t want to see a cute lamb picture? You can vote for or against cute lamb pics in the comments.



  1. Awww cute wittle lambie!
    Did you know I had a pet lamb when I was whittle? I called her Brownfoot, because she had brown feet. Awww

    • Dear little Brownfoot. I did not know, but perhaps I should have guessed seeing as you are rather obsessed by wool!

  2. I’m a sucker for any cute baby animal,bird pics
    I loved calf club day!!
    Won with my calf,my lamb was a ram lamb and a bit naughty!
    Loved doing the sand saucers,funny vegetable creatures,wild flower jars,baking,and there was always the school fair at the same time.
    Very happy memories ❤️

    • And another vote for cute baby animals. Lucky you to have grown up with Calf Club, wish I had. 🙂

  3. Woolly spring Lambie pics always welcome here – tho Sukalati does have a point…. Wonder whether cute bunnie will make it til Easter?

    • The votes keep rolling in people! Apparently bunny is very loved and has been renamed Coco by the little girl who adopted her (hmm, quite the chocolate connection going on around here…).

      Looking forward to seeing you next week. xxx

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