Autumn Happiness Is …

A full woodshed i a happy sight

… this.

A woodshed full of firewood. There is something very primally satisfying about a large tidy stack of wood. Knowing that you have the resource required to keep you and yours toasty warm, whatever weather the Goddesses choose to bestow, is a wonderful feeling.


Cut by Forbearing Husband and The Chainsaw; artfully stacked by Favourite Stepson

Today we had our first fire of 2016. At 16° the day wasn’t really all that cold, but grey skies and rain had us looking for some cheer. Anyway after a postprandial (yes, go on, follow that link) walk around the paddocks looking at future fencing requirements, everyone was very glad to return to a warm dry house. Wet clothes were hung up to dry over the backs of chairs, and a nice cup of tea brewed. Now that’s the way to spend an autumn afternoon.

For your entertainment bonus pictures of dogs posing in front of firewood will now ensue.

old dog

The old dog

baby dog - now 1 year old

The young dog – now 13 months old

There, wasn’t that fun? Now I’m off to feed the horses and unpack another few boxes.

What things about autumn make you happy?



  1. increased a). chocolate consumption, and b). small screen time with the Lovely Wife.

  2. Fejoias and figs on my fruit trees. Transitioning to wearing usually new boots and jumpers. Booking and planning my mid winter holiday.?

    • 1. Yum!
      2. Yes, gotta love boots and jumpers (and assembling cool new outfits).
      3. Go Rachie’s mid winter trip to tropical climes — some of us are quite envious. 🙂

  3. I love a good stack of wood! Round wood particularly aesthetically pleasing
    I look forward to rose hips,autumn leaves,wrapping up in chunky soft layers,my girls wearing cute warm hats(still,for now)and I love seeing my dear old bunny Lulu enjoying lying in front of the fire….

    • Oh my goodness, Lulu sounds adorable! Hips, leaves, hats and woolies — lovely stuff.

      • I’d send you a picture but I’m not sure how..
        I have rather a lot on fab,sad but true.
        I have been slowly turning the clogs of the old brain back to library days(so long ago!), which one were you at?
        I’m sorry to be so vague,I need some reminders?

        • It was a long time ago! I was at Auckland Public (children’s librarian at Mt Albert for a few years, and then several other jobs with AP before leaving when I had Darling Daughter). 🙂

          • Oh no,
            Help! Yes totally me and I’m sure if I saw you I’d go aha!
            You know dear Robin Whitworth has ended up one of my dearest friends.
            I ended up having 4…
            Girl boy girl girl!!!!

  4. I find it difficult to appreciate cooler weather …
    However I do enjoy putting heavier weight covers on my bed and snuggling down into them 🙂

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